....Nel Cristo Dio fatto uomo , troviamo il sostegno per la nostra debolezza e le risorse per raggiungere la perfezione. L'umanità di Cristo ci rimette in piedi , la sua condiscendenza ci prende per mano , la sua divinità ci fa giungere alla méta....


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domenica 15 settembre 2013

"Sciopero" della Messa in Scozia per un caso di abusi sessuali coperti dal vescovo locale

 Da "The Tablet"

Parishioners in Scotland have boycotted Mass and withheld their offertory donations in protest at their bishop's decision to remove a priest who publicly accused another cleric of sexual abuse.
Two hundred people in the parish of St Sophia's in Galston, Ayrshire, have signed a petition accusing the Bishop of Galloway, John Cunningham, of persecuting and ostracising Fr Patrick Lawson after he issued the priest with a decree of removal last week.
Fr Lawson, who is suffering from cancer, has campaigned for nearly two decades for the Scottish hierarchy to take action against Fr Paul Moore, a retired priest who, he alleges, abused altar boys and made sexual advances towards him when he was a seminarian in the mid-1990s.
The former Bishop of Galloway, Maurice Taylor, has said that Fr Moore confessed to him that he had abused children. He was then sent to a treatment centre in Canada. He was parish priest of St Quivox church in Prestwick in 1996. However, a church spokesman this week said that Fr Moore had denied making sexual advances to Fr Lawson.