....Nel Cristo Dio fatto uomo , troviamo il sostegno per la nostra debolezza e le risorse per raggiungere la perfezione. L'umanità di Cristo ci rimette in piedi , la sua condiscendenza ci prende per mano , la sua divinità ci fa giungere alla méta....


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mercoledì 13 novembre 2013

La vittoria dei "moderati" nella Chiesa USA

Qui la riflessione di un blog americano , sull'elezione del nuovo presidente della "Conferenza Episcopale USA" . La radice di questa analisi è che l'episcopato statunitense si è adattato al pontificato di Papa Francesco , rinunciando a dei candidati che si sono battuti strenuamente su alcune questioni relative al "prolife" , dal matrimonio gay all'aborto (la "sconfitta" di Mons.Chaput ne è la prova).

 Fonte "The Eponymous Flower"

(New York) Archbishop Joseph Edward Kurtz of Louisville, Kentucky is the new chairman of the American Bishops Conference (USCCB). The choice of a "moderate" President and the departure after the election of the Deputy Chairman, and thus likely next chairman in three years, indicates the end of the ascent of the bishops, who were close to the renewal of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI. and trying to adapt to the new conditions under a new pontificate.

With the election of Archbishop Kurtz, the bishops are following tradition, where standing Vice President of the expiring term in office is followed in becoming the new President. Otherwise, it was three years ago, when the bishops broke with this iron law of the US Bishops' Conference by the election of Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York. In 2010, the election of a liberal President was prevented. A fundamental choice of direction in a moment of confrontation with the Catholic Church and the leftist U.S. Government under President Barack Obama, who had taken office in Janaury 2009.

The term of office of the President of the U.S. Bishops' Conference lasts only three years. Re-election of the retiring President is not provided for.

But times have changed now. Obama was reelected, but that's not critical. There is a striking climate for change in the election of Pope Francis. Archbishop Kurtz is considered a "moderate" between "conservative" and "liberal" bishops. He was elected with 127 votes in the first ballot. The interest in the direction of struggle seems limited in the new situation.

The significant election result for the new President does not mean that he did not have competitors. Placed second with 25 votes Archbishop Daniel Cardinal Di Nardo of Galveston-Houston, a member of the "conservative" wing. The rest was distributed, each with a few more votes to eight candidates.

There was also a new Vice President elected. Two conservative bishops went to the ballot. The aforementioned Cardinal Di Nardo and Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia. Chaput belongs to the group of those bishops who are "creative conservatives". Who have taken during the pontificate of Benedict XVI a special leadership role in the public debate. Cardinal Di Nardo was elected by 147 votes with 87 votes against Archbishop Chaput. Chaput was the one who spoke last July that faithful Catholics would find it difficult to understand Pope Francis.
he election of Archbishop Kurtz  as President and the defeat of Archbishop Chaput as Vice President can be seen as an effort of the majority of the U.S. bishops to maintain or manufacture a degree of compliance with the new pontificate. Under these circumstances, the result for the Archbishop of Philadelphia is remarkable.